Leeds East Academy
Becoming an Entrepreneur
Format – Talk
I thought the lecture provided some amazing ideas for the students to enjoy. They certainly took new ideas away and enjoyed the session that followed!! Natalie came across so well. I particularly liked when she pinpointed a boy to use as a demonstration for his business intentions (scaffolding), and regularly returned to this example throughout. This gave all students a linked and working example to consider, making what would otherwise be jargon make sense to them in their own worlds. They loved when she used examples that they understand and enjoyed the chances to share their own business ideas. Thank you both so much for the incredible opportunity and knowledge imparted.
Sasha Buchanan
Student Experience and Events
The feedback was very positive, and I had a number of students come up to me at the end to ask about their business ideas, how to get started and what qualifications they might need.
Natalie Reeve
Enrichment Partnership Trainer