British Sign Language (BSL) Basics

British Sign Language (BSL) Basics is an introductory topic for your students to learn basic sign language and gain an understanding of deaf awareness. Your students will benefit from working together as a team on activities, listening skills, presentation skills and communication.

Suitable for KS3-KS5 Students

Workshop, Topic Mini-Series

Topic content

What we'll cover

    • Introduction to BSL and general Deaf Awareness; Introduction to Deaf Awareness, BSL alphabet/fingerspelling, introductory questions and phrases, lip-reading and fingerspelling activities
    • Family; An introduction to correct hand-shapes, facial expressions and BSL grammar, basic conversational topics, family relations, describing a person including appearance, describing where people live, related short phrases
    • Numbers; 1-100, language relating to money, talking about age, time, related short phrase
    • Weather and School/College Subjects; The weather, short weather related phrases, school subjects, school life, describing classrooms, related short phrases to school
    • Life at university/college – Basic language involving FE/HE courses, related phrases, how to discuss career aspirations, introductory language regarding the social life – joining clubs
    • Applying for a new job – Basic language involving applying for jobs, related phrases to help with the application process

These sessions are limited to 30 students per group as they are interactive, and include lots of activities. Week 1 and 6 include an interpreter, Weeks 2-5 are without an interpreter.


    • Understand the importance of Deaf Awareness
    • Learn the British Sign Language (BSL) alphabet and fingerspelling
    • Basic topics at introductory level
    • Gain related phrases of the topics


We absolutely loved this course at Putney, the students have all said they want more and many have said that these sessions were the highlight of their week - it certainly was of mine!

How to book this topic

Step 4

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Available as a Workshop, Talk or Topic Mini-series

Pre-recorded BSL

Learn British Sign Language with our 6x30minute pre-recorded sessions

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