Yesterday we finished our 4x1hr Understanding Cryptocurrencies Series with The Henley College and The Wren School students, where we have covered the basics of understanding cryptocurrencies, led by Johnathan Lane. Johnathan mentioned “One of the [The Henley College] students was extremely knowledgeable so it was great to discuss ideas with him and help him develop his understanding further” and “The first session at Wren went brilliantly because the teacher present helped the students ask good, relevant questions.”
What we’ve covered :
- Introduction: What is cryptocurrency, Web 3 and blockchain? Why are there different types of cryptocurrencies? How can they make and lose you money?
- Bitcoin as digital gold: What is money? Why did we use gold as money? Why did gold fail as money? Is our own currency doomed? Is Bitcoin digital gold? Will it kill the environment?
- The technology revolution: Is Ethereum a new internet? How did a Bored Ape change art? What is the metaverse? Is data the new oil? What are social tokens?
- Crypto and you: a crash course in investing, storing and finding value in different coins and tokens.
Thanks so much to both to the organisers who have continuously put on these workshops for their students.